Monthly Archives: July 2013

what do you do if change is moving faster outside than inside?

You need to find a better way

5 Better Ways to Secure Futures

1. Change the rules of the game, from compete to innovate; “break the rules”; after all real change comes from changing the way you think.  Encourage difference; easier said than done but the “exclusivity of thinking the same” changes very little.

2. Centre your appraisal program on generating ideas to improve your customer’s experience, lots of them all of the time.  Share them and some of them may even get put into practice.

3. Empower your teams and people to tell you what they think; making change happen on the ground where it matters most and improving service delivery.  Some will love this accountability and others will need help, lots of it.  And oh be ready to help your managers find their coaching skills in this type of culture. 

4. Invest in researching what your customers think.

5. Abandon suggestion boxes, after all shouldn’t we thinking outside of boxes? Link your induction, appraisal and recognition schemes together, makes change faster and a lot simpler.

the ROI on culture

The ROI on culture

So what about the relationship between culture and business performance?

In Aon Hewitt’s recent 2013 report on their Best Employer Awards they examined the impact of improving engagement upon revenue. A 5% improvement in engagement was associated with a 14% increase in profitability.

The University of Bath compiled a summary paper (Rayton, 2012) as part of a UK Government program called “Engage for Success”. The following includes some of the summarised findings:

• Kenexa (2008) reports that companies in the top quartile of engagement show twice the profitability of companies in the lowest quartile.

• Gallup (2006) reports that companies in the top quartile of engagement show 18% higher productivity and 39% fewer accidents of companies in the lowest quartile.

• Aon Hewitt (2012) reports that companies in the top quartile of engagement show half the level of absenteeism of companies in the lowest quartile.

time to think…

Is innovation something you can do every day?  How do you make time to think at work?

A study of 6,000 people conducted in collaboration with a large healthcare firm asked respondents questions about where, when, and how people did their best thinking. Only 10% said it happened at work – that much I thought?!

1350 people participated in the Disability Care Australia conference on the 23 and 24 June in Melbourne; thinking together about how to secure the future for the 4 million disabled living in Australia.  Facilitating new ideas about how to be NDIS ready.

How do you make time to think at work?